Mikrotik router audio alignment script.
This helpful script was given to me. It was sent to me by WISP-Router (http://www.wisp-router.com/). Casey told me it was sent to them by one of their customers. It will create a beep that changes frequency as the alignment gets better/worse. Requires (of course) a MT router with a speaker onboard.
:local beep “10ms”;
:local no “2400ms”;
:local 90 “1290ms”;
:local 85 “790ms”;
:local 80 “590ms”;
:local 77 “390ms”;
:local 74 “290ms”;
:local 71 “240ms”;
:local 68 “190ms”;
:local 65 “140ms”;
:local 62 “90ms”;
:local 59 “60ms”;
:local 56 “40ms”;
:local 53 “20ms”;
:local 50 “10ms”;
:for i from=1 to=100 do={
/interface wireless monitor wlan1 interval=1 do={
:if ($signal-strength <= -90) do={
:delay $no;
:if ($signal-strength <= -85 && $signal-strength > -90) do={
:for i from=1 to=2 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $90; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -80 && $signal-strength > -85) do={
:for i from=1 to=3 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $85; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -77 && $signal-strength > -80) do={
:for i from=1 to=4 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $80; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -74 && $signal-strength > -77) do={
:for i from=1 to=6 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $77; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -71 && $signal-strength > -74) do={
:for i from=1 to=8 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $74; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -68 && $signal-strength > -71) do={
:for i from=1 to=10 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $71; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -65 && $signal-strength > -68) do={
:for i from=1 to=12 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $68; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -62 && $signal-strength > -65) do={
:for i from=1 to=16 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $65; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -59 && $signal-strength > -62) do={
:for i from=1 to=24 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $62; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -56 && $signal-strength > -59) do={
:for i from=1 to=34 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $59; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -53 && $signal-strength > -56) do={
:for i from=1 to=48 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $56; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -50 && $signal-strength > -53) do={
:for i from=1 to=80 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $53; }
:if ($signal-strength <= -20 && $signal-strength > -50) do={
:for i from=1 to=120 do={ :beep length=$beep; :delay $50; }
September 18th, 2008 at 5:49 pm
I made a few modifications to this for my use. I tried to document more of it, and make it more configurable. Hopefully this is helpful to someone:
October 15th, 2009 at 3:10 pm
[…] antennas in another article in the future, but this is the basic process. You may wish to use the Audio Alignment Script to align the antennas. One other consideration before deciding to use the NStreme Dual connection […]