Archive for October, 2008

Using OSPF to create full duplex behaviour for wireless links

Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

One reality that all WISPs face is that all radio communications are half-duplex.  When one end of a link is “speaking”, the other end must be “listening”.  For many applications, this is sufficient for our purpose.  When a link becomes busy, however, some types of communications are negatively impacted by the delays caused by this behaviour.  Mikrotik RouterOS offers some options to help you alleviate this congestion without breaking the bank. In this article, I will discuss the details for how to configure Mikrotik RouterOS and OSPF to provide a simulated full-duplex link with the added benefit of failover to half-duplex in the event of a single link failure.

This idea is taken from an article I wrote on my main website back in November of 2006.


Training classes scheduled ONLINE

Friday, October 17th, 2008

I recently announced 2 new training courses that I will be offering online.  Details can be found at the registration pages linked below.  You can view ALL currently available courses HERE

The first course is a WISP Basics course.  This course is a discussion of IP basics and an RF Primer.  The IP Basics portion is a detailed look at network fundamentals.  This course is perfect for those that are new to the WISP business or anyone who wishes to learn more about how data flows over an IP network, including wired and wireless networks.  There is a lot of detail in this course and it is possible that it will extend to about 2.5 days.  Registration for this course is HERE

The second course is our Mikrotik Standard training course adapted for use online.  The online course is not exactly the same as our live training, however, it is similar in many ways.  The content of the course is mostly the same, however, the labs are rewritten to accomodate an online environment.  This is a 4 day training and is a detailed look at most of the features in RouterOS.  Registration and more information is HERE.

Because the training is online, there is no need to make travel arrangements.  Online training offers you the ability to have multiple employees trained for the price of one.  Online training offers you the ability to learn from the comfort of your own office space.  The training we are offering is of the highest quality and should not be confused with other training offers currently in the marketplace.  We offer:
* The most mature (over 4 years in development) training material
* An expert in networking as trainer (not just Mikrotik)
* An experienced trainer (I’ve been teaching in one form or another since 1998)
* An experienced ISP with the expertise to adapt materials to the WISP network

You don’t have to spend HUNDREDS of dollars more in order to get quality training.  You don’t have to spend MONTHS learning this material.  If you’ve ever considered attending a live training, but have been waiting for one to be “near you”, then this is your chance to see what it’s all about.  Registration information is available for both courses HERE.  Seating is limited and the special discounts won’t last long, so don’t hesitate.